Saturday 6 June 2015

The beginning of my journey

It's still hard to imagine that in 2 years time I will be looking back at this blog and my treatment will be over.

My name is Jo I am 27 years young and I hate my smile and teeth.
I do smile and laugh but I hate it and when I am laughing I always think people are staring at my teeth and how they stick out.

I had braces fitted when I was about 11 I think and I had them for 2 years, they were removed and I was left with retainers. I can't remember ever having straight teeth even after braces.

I am at the end of my tether and I make another dentist appointment asking if I could be referred to a orthodontist because ours didn't have on,  few weeks later I receive a letter of referral through the post aswell as a price list.
I called up and was offered a free consultation to see if I was a good candidate for invisalign...turns out I wasn't I have a 10mm overbite and my jaw isn't in the right place to get the results I'd want so the dentist asked if I had ever considered jaw surgery. Well that just freaked me out then and there I just said absolutely not, he advised me if I change my mind to just call back and he'd refer me to hospital.
I left feeling deflated and dissapointed :(

Not long after this appointment I found out I was pregnant and coudnt do anything now anyway because if I wanted to be refered I'd need to pay £100 for xrays which you can't have when your pregnant.
I spent my pregnancy researching and watching you tube videos and talking with lots of people who have had this jaw surgery, I'd had enough and though enough is enough I can't go on like this anymore I want to be confident and have pictures of my kids with mummy actually in the photo.

My little girl was born and 6 weeks after I booked that appointment I was so desperate for in the end I paid the xray  fee and got my referral 

2 weeks later I recieved a appointment in the post for the orthodontic at Peterbrough City hospital for January 5th 2015.

I was a nervous wreck leading up to that appointment as for me it was my last shot of getting my horrible teeth sorted.
Appointment day came and I saw down in that chair and had a chat with the orthodontist he asked me some questions about my jaw like did it ever hurt or ache when I ate? Well yes it does actually but I didn't think for one sec it was out of place hence why my back teeth do not sit together.
I had tons of xrays done at that appointment and then I was sat down to discuss What's next. 

Oh my days this was the moment I'd been waiting for he was either going to make or break me 
He told me that I'd need braces and double jaw surgery to achieve my bite sitting properly and to straighten my teeth and that it was going to happen!

Words cannot describe the relief and i couldnt even explain how happy I was, this is it ...its finally happening I'm going to have a beautiful smile for the first time ever.  He said my next appointment would be with him as well as the surgeon to discuss everything properly and to get things next appointment was a 6 month wait tho :(:(:(

June came around fast and the night before I barely slept, I woke up wondering why was I so tired I went bed early ...It was stress, my appointment day was here and that long 6 months wait is over!!

I'm back in the dentist chair and my orthodontist adviced me he wants 4 teeth extracted and 2 root canals on my front 2 teeth before we can get going properly with the treatment.
My next appointment is sept 3rd where they are going to make impressions of my teeth to get my helix quad brace fitted.
This brace goes on the roof of my mouth to broaden my teeth as they are quite narrow , my next appointment is a week after and that's when there fitted .

I'm beyond excited I know it's going to be long and painful but it'll be worth it..
here is a quick video of the surgery I'm having, this animation has a overbite very similar to mine.

I shall post before pictures of my teeth when my helix is fitted .

If your still reading this , thank you so much please leave a comment.

my next update will be in September after my next appointment x

Jo xx